29. april 2012 ICAN meeting Vienna 2012 With the generous support of the Austrian government and Sokka Gakkai International, over 150 people from all over the world...
4. november 2011 Time to ban nuclear weapons! Biological and chemical weapons have been banned. So have landmines and cluster bombs. Why not the worst weapons of all?...
21. oktober 2011 A little less conversation After 15 years of fruitless conversation, hundreds of unproductive meetings and billions of wasted dollars, the nuclear disarmament machinery is...
19. september 2011 ICAN meeting Geneva 2011 ICAN held an international conference in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17 to 19 September 2011. It focused on broadening and strengthening...
1. september 2011 We can abolish nuclear weapons ICAN is a vast and diverse global movement. Our campaigners are doctors, students, lawyers, human rights activists, environmentalists, engineers, parliamentarians...
1. september 2011 Bombs No More Melbourne ICAN campaigners in Melbourne held a Bombs No More action in September 2011, encouraging passers-by to "disarm a nuclear bomb"...
6. august 2011 ICAN in Hiroshima 2011 In August 2011, ICAN campaigners commemorated the 66th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by taking part...
27. juni 2011 Nuclear insecurity summit The Non-Proliferation Treaty obliges the “P5 nations” – the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China – to negotiate in...
6. august 2010 Appeal from Hiroshima students On the 65th anniversaries of the US atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – which claimed more than 210,000 lives...
1. juni 2010 Ban Ki-moon’s message to ICAN In June 2010, ICAN held its first global day of action for a ban on nuclear weapons.