Faith in the Ban Treaty? Multi-Religious Responses to the Rising Nuclear Threat

Religious leaders and organizations have been key actors in the nuclear disarmament movement since its inception, emphasizing the moral and existential nature of the issue and offering the legitimacy of the numbers their faith communities represent. To many religious people, the threat and use of nuclear weapons is a violation of their core religious and ethical values, such as the sanctity of life, human dignity, and respect for nature.

Faced with a growing threat of nuclear war, what place does nuclear disarmament have on religious communities’ agendas, and how do they respond? Looking into the future, how will religious communities use their resources to stop the nuclear threat? How strong is the voice of religious leaders, and what power do they really have to make a difference?



Olav Fykse Tveit


Olav Fykse Tveit is Presiding Bishop in the Church of Norway (Lutheran church).



Senaid Kobilica


Senaid Kobilica is the leading imam of the Islamic Community Bosnia Hercegovina and Chair of the Board of Muslim Dialogue Network Norway,  umbrella organization for 31 mosques and 31 000 Muslims in Norway.



Martin Lerstang Mikkelsen


Martin L. Mikkelsen is board member of Norwegian humanist association and as a medical doctor he is member of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Norway.



Yuhashinee Shankkar


Yuhashinee Shankkar is the president of the Norwegian hindu youth organisation Arena for Unge Hinduer (AFUH).




Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll


Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll is a journalist and columnist in Vårt Land newspaper.